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Articles Tagged: apps
Contrib Events Management
Submit your event details and reach out to thousands of professionals.
Contribution App
Contribution App Form Script – a script to be syndicated to website pages to allow visitors/users to add contributions.
Piwik Stats
An open-source analytics platform. Stats for Piwik.
GA Stats
Statistics for Google Analytics
Featured Challenge
Edit Featured challenge – application only for challenge frameworks websites Featured Challenge app is applicable only for domains using Challenge framework. This is used to update the Featured challenge assigned. If you do not have any Featured challenge, you could choose via Build feature. Preview Script
Social Posting
Share posts to different social networking sites.
A group messaging app built and designed for team communication and collaboration.
This app lets users manage events underĀ a certain brand name. Embed script for events.
Domain Verticals
Domains of similar category list. You could use this script to show related domains.
[…] This will allow you to manage crowd tasks for this specific brand.Learn more about crowd tasks here. […]