Crowd Task Management Orange Box indicates Summary Page. Red Box Indicates Add Crowd task. Yellow Button indicates Update/Edit crowd tasks. Red Button indicates Deletion of the Crowd task. Orange Button Indicates number of Applications. Summary Crowd Task List. Crowd task Details. List of Applicant/s. Edit crowd task details. People Updates.
Category: Crowd Tasks
Crowd Task Updates
Task Updates : CONTRIB Dashboard -> go to Inbox left side menu -> Messages Applicants’ Crowd Task List Page: From Contrib Dashboard -> go to My Contrib Apps menu-> Crowd Task. You will see all your applications to any crowd tasks you have applied to. Applicant Updates about the Task: The applicant will send an update about […]
Approving Task Application
Go to Crowd Task List ->click Applications button-> choose Name of the person who applied for the said task and hit Approve. Applicant will receive an e-mail.
Crowd Task: Create and Apply
Crowd Tasks are public task payable by Equity Points. Create Task: Should be under a certain Team so you could add task. Apply for Task: Go to Contrib -> -> click apply button. An email will be sent to the Creator of the said Task.
[…] This will allow you to manage crowd tasks for this specific brand.Learn more about crowd tasks here. […]