You can now set charity settings for all domains on VNOC. This means can contribute charity to which will in essence upgrade its theoretical value accordingly. You can set the charity for each domain on ESHARES.COM. TRAINING.ORG’S Charity ESH distribution from various assets.
Category: Esh
Crypto Transactions : Esh
These are the list of (domain) crypto contributors. Contributors Pending Transactions Approved Transactions
Send Partners Esh
Go to Click +Add Transaction button. Fill up form
Distribute Esh VNOC Member
A special feature where you can send ESH to members of VNOC or new members. Go to Click +Send Esh button. Send To – Choose to send to new members or existing members. If you choose to send to new members, a new login access will be created together with ESH tokens. Name – Autocomplete for existing […]
Esh Payment Options
Choose which payment options you would like to publish for payment for ESH or CTB tokens. Send Ether to Our Token Sale Address Buy from Ether Wallet Balance Send Bitcoin Send Paypal Buy Esh with CTB Tokens
Pie Settings
This is synchronized with eShares database. Whatever settings you have set on eShares, will be displayed here. Set where to get Pie Settings for Esh – You can choose to allow where to get ESH for sharing. Investor Crowd Open Partnerships Charity
[…] This will allow you to manage crowd tasks for this specific brand.Learn more about crowd tasks here. […]