Spread the word! What’s new , reports, announcements & notices.

  • For Admin:
  1. All announcements are showed in https://manage.vnoc.com/announcement.

  2. Write your announcement in the textbox.

  3. Select announcement status (Show or hide).

  4. Show announcement to specific roles or permission by selecting permission type. (admin, all members, members with roles).

  5. Click Add announcement button.

  6. Success message will appear after adding announcement.

  • For Members:
  1. Active announcements are shown in https://manage.vnoc.com/dashboard.

  2. Members can send feedback by clicking feedback submit button.

  3. All announcements are available for specific users are shown in  https://manage.vnoc.com/announcement/feedback.

  4. Users can view all the feed backs by clicking view button. Number of feed backs is also shown in view button.

  5. Users can delete and edit their feedback by clicking delete or edit button.