1. Go to https://manage.vnoc.com/domains/details/408
  2. Click +Add Purchase button.
  3. Send To: Choose whether you want to send to a New Member, in which case, a new account will be provided for him/her complete with a Contrib Eth address and access details or an existing VNOC Member.

    1. Members in Vnoc
    2. Name – Input value for autocomplete name of the user.

    3. Prefilled email add.
    4. Create Wallet – If yes, it means Contrib will create their ETH wallets for them.
      If no, a prefilled of your official wallet address will show.
    5. Custom Per CTB Amount in (USD) – This is a special feature where you can set how much their ctb/usd will be valued at.
    6. CTB Amount – How much CTB TOKENS will you send to this member.
    7. Status – Would you like this to be pending for approval or approved automatically.

    8. Subject
    9. Message – Email Message: Please add special instructions or personal message to the recipient.

    10. Submit
    11. Will Appear on Purchase List with Status
    12. Action: Send email